An Interview with Joseph Bristow on Oscar Wilde on Trial: The Criminal Proceedings from Arrest to Imprisonment (New Haven, Yale U.P., 2022), and Other Views on Wilde


  • Elisa Bizzotto Ca' Foscari University of Venice


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Interview, Joseph Bristow, Oscar Wilde, Trial: The Criminal Proceedings from Arrest to Imprisonment, Other Views on Wilde


An Interview with Joseph Bristow on Oscar Wilde on Trial: The Criminal Proceedings from Arrest to Imprisonment (New Haven, Yale U.P., 2022), and Other Views on Wilde

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Douglas, Lord Alfred, The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas, London, Martin Secker, (1929) 1931.

Douglas, Norman, Looking Back: An Autobiographical Excursion, New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1931.

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Inman, B.A., “Estrangement and Connection: Walter Pater, Benjamin Jowett, and William M. Hardinge”, in Laurel Brake and Ian Small (eds), Pater in the 1990s, Greensboro, NC, ELT Press, 1989, pp. 1-20.

Mahoney, Kristin, “An Extraordinary Marriage: The Mackenzies and the Queer Cosmopolitanism of Capri”, in Ead., Queer Kinship after Wilde: Transnational Decadence and the Family, Cambridge, CUP, 2022, pp. 95-125.

Mason, Stuart [Christopher Sclater Millard], Bibliography of Oscar Wilde, London, T. Werner Laurie, 1914.

Nisbet, Gideon, Greek Epigram in Reception: J.A. Symonds, Oscar Wilde, and the Invention of Desire, 1805-1929, Oxford, OUP, 2013.

Ransome, Arthur, Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study, London, Martin Secker, 1912.

Stokes, John, “Some Gentle Criticisms of British Justice”, in Id., Oscar Wilde: Myths, Miracles, and Imitations, Cambridge, CUP, 1996, pp. 39-64.

Upchurch, Charles, Before Wilde: Sex between Men in Britain’s Age of Reform, Berkeley, CA, University of California Press, 2009.

—, “Beyond the Law”: The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain, Philadelphia, Temple U.P., 2021.





Reviews, Notes, and Interviews

Come citare

An Interview with Joseph Bristow on Oscar Wilde on Trial: The Criminal Proceedings from Arrest to Imprisonment (New Haven, Yale U.P., 2022), and Other Views on Wilde. (2024). Synergies: A Journal of English Literatures and Cultures, 4.