“Beatrice’s Eyes"
Words and Glances in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Notebooks”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Notebooks, Beatrice Cenci, GazeAbstract
By focusing on the passage describing Nathaniel Hawthorne’s encounter with the portrait of Beatrice Cenci at the Barberini Gallery, long mistakenly attributed to Guido Reni, the essay proposes a reading of the Notebooks that goes well beyond their status as travelogue, and rather envisages them as a privileged space for the reflection on the relationship between the individual and the world. Instead of highlighting what the author has experienced and ‘seen’, the Notebooks reflect on the possibilities and modalities of ‘seeing’, which, in the case of Beatrice’s portrait, fascinatingly echo the ‘mysteries’ that have always surrounded it.
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