About the Journal

Studi lockiani is an annual scholarly journal devoted to research on the ideas, contexts and debates in the Early Modern period, with a particular focus to the philosophy of John Locke (1632-1704) and to Lockean circles.

The journal aims to promote research on the thought of John Locke in the various fields in which it is expressed, from epistemology to natural philosophy, from ethics to politics, from theology to pedagogy, from medicine to economics.

Studi Lockiani aims to promote a dialogue between the protagonists of the intellectual and academic debate that has been developing for several decades around the possible ascents and the cultural heritage of John Locke. The journal welcomes contributions dedicated to philosophers of different periods, from antiquity to the contemporary age, that can be related to research in the field of Lockean studies.

The Journal is composed of three sections: Essays, Notes and Debates, and Reviews.

Issues are mainly monographic. A yearly call for papers announces the theme and the start for submissions. However, it is still possible to submit a proposal outside of the current call for papers. Authors are encouraged to submit their proposal using the journal's electronic platform (OJS).

Each proposal will undergo a double blind peer-review process; published papers have been previously approved and accepted by the anonymous referees.

The official language of Studi Lockiani is English. However, the editorial board also accepts articles written in other European languages, namely French, Italian, German and Spanish.

The journal is indexed on ERIH PLUS