Style sheet
Initiating a submission
The Journal publishes articles, notes, discussions, and reviews written in English, Italian or French. The Journal normally accepts essays no longer than 12,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and bibliography. However, longer submissions are considered in exceptional cases.
Notes and discussions should contain no more than 5,000 words, book reviews no more than 1,000 words.
Manuscripts need to be submitted as MS Word files and include the following materials:
- Title
- Abstract (up to 300 words)
- Keywords (strictly 5 to 7)
- Article body
- Bibliography
ANONYMITY: Manuscripts shall not include any detail that might enable the identification of the Author, such as identifying metadata and personal notes (e.g., acknowledgments, references to oral presentation, etc.). When referring to their own writings, Authors shall make sure that they do not talk of themselves, as the Authors of such writings, in the first person.
The Authors’ full name and contact information (i.e., affiliation and email address) will be added to the manuscript after acceptance and inserted on the last page. The Author’s full name will also be added on the first page under the title.
- Sections. The text of an article or note should be divided into numbered sections (1., 2., 3.) and possibly subsections (1.1., 2.2.). Sections and subsections, when used, shall have their own headings.
- Abbreviations. Latin abbreviations shall be italicised (etc., et al.). A list of abbreviations can be found below. Non-standard abbreviations shall be explained the first time they appear in the article.
Formatting guidelines
- Use Times or Times New Roman 12-point for the text, 10-point for footnotes, 11-point for block quotations.
- The entire document shall be single-spaced and contain page numbers in the bottom right corner, in order to facilitate the review process.
- Use double inverted commas for quotations within the text. Closing double inverted commas shall always precede other punctuation. Quotations that are more than three lines shall be placed in a free-standing block of text, without closing inverted commas. Start each quotation of more than three lines on a new line, with the entire quote indented 0.2 inches, both left and right; leave a blank line both before and after the quotation. Use square brackets and ellipsis […] to indicate the omission of a portion of text.
- Do not indent the first line of each paragraph.
- Superscript numbers (as Arabic numerals) corresponding to footnotes are always placed after punctuation.
- The title shall be capitalized and centred on the width of page 1.
- In the final version to be prepared for publication, upon acceptance of the paper, the Author(s)’s name shall appear below the title, in 12-point Times type, not capitalized.
- Number ranges from 1 to 99: whole numbers; from 100 to 109, from 200 to 209, etc.: 102-5, 206-7, 404-8, etc.
In all other cases: the first number entirely, and then the last two digits (e.g. 532-33, 1688-97, etc.) - Use hyphens (-) with no space on either side to link words (e.g. well-known facts) or to indicate a span or a differentiation (England-France match; the 1688-97 war; pp. 325-33). Use en-dashes (–) with a space on either side to enclose parenthetical sentences.
- Do not underline or bold unfamiliar words, phrases requiring emphasis, or titles of published books and journals.
Please use footnotes, not endnotes, and number your footnotes consecutively by using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). Footnote numbers in the text should follow punctuation.
Footnotes should contain citations; however, discussion notes presenting additional comments or remarks are accepted.
A citation shall include the Author(s)’s last name, the title of the source and page number(s). When a citation refers to a work with a long title, a shortened phrase from the title should be used. Special care should be taken in shortening the title in such a way that it does not compromise the reader's ability to locate the source in the Bibliography. In the titles of books, book chapters, and articles in English, common title capitalization rules shall be followed.
Locke, Essay,, p. 451.
Locke, Paraphrase, vol. 1, p. 268.
Nuovo, John Locke, p. 153.
Anstey, John Locke and Natural Philosophy, pp. 37-39.
If a source has already been cited in the previous footnote, the citation shall be shortened to ibid., followed by the page number(s) where appropriate:
1. Samuel Tilly to Locke, 11 September 1665, in Locke, Correspondence, vol. 1, p. 29.
2. Ibid., p. 30.
Journal articles
The title of an article shall not be italicised but shall be placed between double inverted commas. Closing double inverted commas shall always precede other punctuation.
Farr, “Locke, Natural Law, and New World Slavery”, p. 497.
Sheridan, “Pirates, Kings and Reasons”, p. 47.
1. Rogers, “Locke, Anthropology and Models of the Mind”, p. 83.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid., p. 82.
Book chapters
The title of a book chapter shall not be italicised but shall be placed between double inverted commas. Closing double inverted commas shall always precede other punctuation.
Hamou, “Pierre Coste’s Annotations”, p. 93.
Vaughn, “Locke on Knowledge of the External World”, p. 87.
Walmsley, “Locke on Physiology and Medicine”, p. 267.
Abbreviations for works
Use LL followed by the number of the reference for Locke’s Library:
E.g.: LL, no. 1028.
Other abbreviations are accepted, provided that they are of common use. All abbreviations shall be defined in the Bibliography:
LL: Harrison, John, and Laslett, Peter, The Library of John Locke, 2nd ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1971.
Archival sources
Citations of archival materials should include six key elements:
- Title: usually the title given by the archives to a file or item. In the absence of a title, please provide a short description.
- Name of the collection: the name given by the archives to the collection.
- Reference code: the equivalent of a library call number used to locate a book.
- Box number: the number of the box in which the archival record is physically stored.
- Folder number: the number of the folder in which the archival record is physically stored.
- Repository and location: the name of the archives or library and its geographic location.
E.g.: Bodleian Library, MS. Locke f. 21, p. 364.
British Library, MS. Sloane 3962, ff. 227-8.
The entries in the bibliography shall be arranged in alphabetical order by the last name of the first Author listed on the source, followed by a comma and by the Author’s first name (or initials, if Authors use pen names. E.g.: E.S. De Beer, G.G. Meynell, G.A.J. Rogers, J. Milton, W. von Leyden).
When ordering several works by the same Author, the entries are arranged by year of publication, the earliest first.
Group Authors, such as organization or associations, are alphabetised by the first significant word of the name.
If there is no Author, please write the title in the Author position, then alphabetise by the first significant word of the title (skip the articles the, a, an).
In case of multiple authors, please list them by their last names. Please separate Authors’ names with a comma followed by “and”.
Gordon-Roth, Jessica, and Weinberg, Shelley (eds.), The Lockean Mind, Routledge, Oxford-New York 2022.
Descartes, René, The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, vols. 1, 2, trans. by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, and Dugald Murdoch; vol. 3, trans. by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch, and Anthony Kenny, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984, 1985, 1991.
Descartes, René, Oeuvres de Descartes, 12 vols., eds. Charles Adam and Paul Tannery, L. Cerf, Paris 1887-1913; J. Vrin, Paris 1964-1974.
Hamou, Philippe, “Pierre Coste’s Annotations to the French Translation of Locke’s Essay concerning Human Understanding”, in Mankin, Romi (ed.), The Internationalization of Intellectual Exchange in a Globalizing Europe, 1636–1780, Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg PA 2017, pp. 75-95.Locke, John, Correspondence, ed. E.S. de Beer, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1976;
Locke, John, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, ed. Peter H. Nidditch, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975.
Locke, John, An Early Draft of Locke’s Essay, together with Excerpts from His Journals, ed. Richard I. Aaron and Jocelyn Gibb, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1936.
Journal titles should be italicised:
Rogers, G.A.J., “Locke, Anthropology and Models of the Mind”, in History of the Human Sciences 6 (1993), 1, pp. 73-87.
Tables, images, and graphs
All images, tables, and graphs shall not exceed the print size of a page (max 12,5 x 19,5 inch). They shall be numbered and identified by Arabic numerals. Please, ensure that each table, graph, image is mentioned in the text in numerical order (Fig. 1, Fig. 2), followed by a brief description.
Figures shall be included in the file containing the manuscript, embedded in the text. In case of acceptance, the Author might be required to provide high-resolution files of the figures in EPS, JPEG, or TIF/TIFF format. Figures not in accordance with the guidelines will cause significant delays during the publication process.
PLEASE NOTE THAT all figures will be published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Thus, permission shall be obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including re-published/adapted/modified/partial figures and images from the internet). It is the Author’s responsibility to acquire licenses, follow any citation instructions requested by third-party rights holders, and cover any supplementary charges.
Non-Latin alphabets and special characters
The use of a Unicode font is mandatory. Should the font set not include ancient Greek, Authors can use the IFAO-Grec Unicode font, which may be downloaded from the site
Standard abbreviations
manuscript: MS
manuscripts: MSS
no date = n.d.
no year = n.y.
number = no.
appendix = app.
article = art.
sheet(s) = sh.
cited = cit.
column(s) = col.
see = see / cf.
et seq. / and following = ff.
fascicle = fasc.
figure(s) = fig. (figg.)
miscellanea = misc.
page(s) = p. (pp.)
recto = r.
verso = v.
no place = n.p.
book= bk.
chapter = ch. (chs.)
tome(s) = t. (tt.)
translation = trans. [Eng. trans.; Fr. trans.; etc.]
volume(s) = vol. (vols.)
note = n.