La Résurrection du désir: Antigone et l'opposant russe Alexeï Navalny
Antigone, Desire, Mourning, Navalny, Putin, The Comic, Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic, SuperegoAbstract
This essay is a reflection on the intersections between my personal experience and the current political situation, from the perspective of the ethics of psychoanalysis. The essay explores the paradigm of desire embodied in the figure of Antigone, which Lacan discusses in his Seventh Seminar. What is the mystery of Antigone’s desire? Should we not rather speak of the paradox of the dual nature of her desire? The paper draws a comparison between the ethical position of Sophocles’ Antigone and that of the Russian opposition leader Alexeï Navalny, “the Antigone of our time”, as well as between the tragic and comic dimensions of desire.
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