From Tagetes to Hyginus Gromaticus. A Contribution to the Topography of the Tarquinia Coastal Plain


  • Lucio Fiorini Università di Perugia
  • Paolo Camerieri Già Responsabile Osservatorio Regionale Qualità del Paesaggio



Tarquinia, Gravisca, sanctuary, Roman colony, Via Aurelia, centuriations, transhumance, harbour, landscape


The study takes stock of the investigations that have taken
place over the last half-century on Tarquinia's coastal plain,
from the Etruscan to the Roman age. After an analysis of
the environmental transformations that have certainly pro-
foundly influenced the original landscape, the settlement
dynamics of this part of the Tarquinia territory are ana-
lysed, starting from the proto-villanovian age. We dwell in
particular on the territorial impact of the exploitation of the
Saline area, the annual destination of a trans-regional tran-
shumance movement; we hypothesise the presence of three
inland harbour basins, used from the Villanovan age to the
Roman age, one of which is linked to the emporic sanctu-
ary of Gravisca (the history of the sacred area is outlined).
It also dwells on the roads that connected the Etruscan city
of Tarquinia to the sea over time and on the coastal road
prior to the construction of the Via Aurelia Vetus. Finally,
for the Roman period, the stratigraphies of the landscape
are investigated through the traces of the ancient Etruscan
agrarian divisions and Roman centurions.





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