The sea of ​ the Conero: an asset (also economic) to be protected


  • Emanuela Fanelli


Conero area, Marine protected areas, Biodiversity


The well-being and survival of our species are closely connected to the ecosystems in which we live and depend on the ecosystem services that these can provide, such as water, food, oxygen production, etc. Biodiversity is one of the most important of these services, to ensure food production, implement climate regulation and, last but not least, produce cultural value. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have the primary function of protecting biodiversity and therefore can provide important ecosystem services. A MPA allows you to control and manage human activities and uses of the sea in a sustainable way, promote the recovery of exploited marine populations, facilitate the conservation and restoration of habitats and biodiversity, manage and improve ecosystem services in general. Protecting biodiversity, such as that which characterizes the Conero coast, through the establishment of MPAs is a moral duty of every citizen, as enshrined in our Constitution, also in the
interest of future generations. 




