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Author Guidelines

General Information

  • Disciplinary area of the journal: popularisation of science, cultural debate on topical issues related to applied sciences, philosophy of science, sociology of science.

  • The journal mainly publishes articles that aim to popularise science. Scientists are invited to submit their papers to our editors, who will consider them for publication.

  • The journal is divided into the following sections: The journal is divided into the following sections: IN PRIMO PIANO, which deals with topical issues (such as the environmental emergency, the debate on nuclear power and the debate on artificial intelligence); FOCUS, which deals with monographic topics (such as the ecological transition plan, marine protected areas, taxonomy, overpopulation); FARE SCUOLA, which is dedicated to the ways and means of doing science with children and young people. There are two naturalistic sections: RITRATTO DI FAMIGLIA, which presents a zoological family group as an example of animal diversity, and UNO SCATTO ALLA NATURA, which comments on important photographic documents. The magazine also contains CONTRIBUTI of various kinds and RECENSIONI. The IN PRIMO PIANO, FOCUS and FARE SCUOLA sections are are fully subjected to an anonymous peer review process (blind peer review).

How to submit proposals:

  • Submission of proposals is free of charge. It is made by e-mail, to the following address

  • If the author wishes to request the immediate publication of his/her article in open access (early open access), without waiting for the end of the embargo period, a fee of EUR 500,00 will be charged. To make such a request, please contact our administrative office ( and the Journals Manager (, indicating: the title of the article, the details of the dossier to which it belongs, the details of the person to whom the invoice should be made out, the existence of any research funding.

  • Submissions must be in Italian.

  • To be considered, any contribution submitted for the IN PRIMO PIANO, FOCUS, FARE SCUOLA sections must be anonymised for the review process. Any contribution containing explicit references to the author's identity will be excluded from consideration.

  • The contribution must be submitted in a word file and accompanied by an abstract in Italian and English (maximum 600 characters, including spaces), two to four keywords in English.

  • To the same email as the anonymous submission, authors should attach a separate file containing the following information: author's first and last name, short biography, email address.

  • Authors will receive PDF proofs for corrections on the email address provided at the time of submission. Corrections to the drafts must be handed in by the deadline for publication.

    The author must submit a final version of his contribution according to the journal's guidelines.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03, personal data are collected electronically and processed using automated methods, solely for purposes related to the functioning of the workflow management system. The provision of such data by the applicant and the consent to their processing are mandatory; otherwise, it will not be possible to proceed with the processing of the proposal.

Personal data will not be disclosed in any way. The applicant will be able to exercise the rights provided for by the art. 7, Legislative Decree 196/03 (access, correction, cancellation, opposition, etc.), by making an express request to the data controller: Alessandra Borghini.

The magazine does not use cookies or similar technologies on its website to keep track of users.

In order to guarantee maximum protection regarding the processing of personal data, the owner and the data processing manager(s) undertake to scrupulously observe and implement the applicable laws on the matter, including Legislative Decree 196/ 03.

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