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Editorial Team
Segretario di redazione: Fabrizia Gianni
Direttore responsabile: Luciano Luciani
Redazione: Museo di Storia Naturale e del Territorio via Roma, 103 -56011- Calci (Pi)
Sandra Bocelli doc. Sc. Nat. Pisa
Francesca Civile doc. Lettere Pisa
Brunella Danesi doc. Sc. Nat. Pistoia
Isabella Marini doc. Sc. Nat. Pisa
Amministrazione: ETS piazza Carrara - Pisa fax 06233238204
Stampa: ETS - Pisa
Maria Arcà Centro studi Ac. Nucleici CNR Roma
Maria Bellucci doc. St. Fil. L. Sc. Copernico Prato
Claudia Binelli doc. Sc. Nat. Torino
Marcello Buiatti doc. Genetica Università di Firenze
Luciana Bussotti doc. Sc. Nat. Livorno
Stefania Consigliere dip. Antropologia Univ. Genova
Luciano Cozzi doc. Sc. Nat. Milano
Tomaso Di Fraia doc. Archeologia Univ. Pisa
Elio Fabri doc. Astronomia Università di Pisa
Tiziano Gorini doc. Lettere Ist. Sup. Livorno
Alessandra Magistrelli doc. Sc. Nat. Roma
Piergiacomo Pagano ENEA Bologna
Marco Piccolino doc. Fisiol. e St. Scienza Università di Ferrara
Giorgio Porrotto cultore di politiche scolastiche Roma
Laura Sbrana doc. Lettere
Marco Tongiorgi doc. Stratigrafia Università di Pisa
Marco A. L. Zuffi Erpetologo Museo St. nat.'Università Pisa
For the editorial production process, Naturalmente Scienza relies on three different bodies: the Editorial Board, the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee. The editors are responsible for the entire editorial process, the transparency of the publication methods and the composition of the issue summaries. As stated in the Code of Ethics, the Editorial Board ensures that all those involved in the review and production process fulfil their obligations. Editors are responsible for the initial evaluation of submissions, which are judged on the completeness of the material provided, scientific integrity, and compatibility with the journal's scientific objectives. Only the Editors can decide whether to initiate the review process, to skip it (in very rare cases, due to the author's exceptional prestige), or to reject the proposal ex officio. The Editors liaise with the Editorial Board to ensure a transparent review process, linguistic appropriateness of submissions, and compliance with the journal's editorial standards. Members of the Editorial Board may not be involved in the peer review process as reviewers, except in rare cases where such members are considered to be the foremost experts on a particular topic. The Editors liaise with the Editorial Board to ensure a transparent review process, linguistic appropriateness of submissions, and adherence to the journal's editorial standards. Editorial Board members may not be involved in the peer review process as reviewers, except in rare cases where such members are considered to be the foremost experts on a particular topic. In such cases, which the Editors and the Editorial Board are committed to limiting, the other members of the Editorial Board will manage the communication with the author(s), protecting their identity and that of the reviewer; if the proposal is published, any coincidence will be stated on the first page of the paginated article. Its members are never involved in the editorial process of the issues. If they are asked to act as anonymous reviewers, the Editorial Board exercises its function as in other cases.