Exploring Precision’s Role in Psychosis: Insights From Psychedelics for A ‘Quadripartite Model’


  • Aurora Alegiani Università Roma Tre



Parole chiave:

consciousness, precision, psychosis, predictive processing, Global Neuronal Workspace


The paper examines the connection between the (GNW) and  (PP) in understanding psychotic symptoms. The GNW-based account (which I frame as ‘tripartite’) suggests that an elevated threshold for consciousness, influenced by top-down attention, mediates between neural dysconnectivity and psychosis. However, several interrelated concerns emerge. These include GNW’s concentration on inferential processes, its emphasis on information access to consciousness rather than its utilization, and its focus on conscious access while disregarding two-factor models, which, by emphasizing the relevance of both perceptual and cognitive factors in delusions, argue that anomalous perceptual experiences play a significant role in the formation of delusional beliefs. Additionally, the issues of specificity and the persistence of psychotic traits are mentioned. To address these challenges, the paper proposes an incorporation of precision from PP into a four-part model (dysconnectivity, precision/attention, conscious threshold, and psychosis). This enhanced framework is evaluated through recent literature, with a particular focus on research concerning psychedelics and ego dissolution. A sketch of how precision might help address the mentioned issues is outlined.




