The geographical anatomy of Leonardo da Vinci
anatomy, cosmography, geography, Leonardo da Vinci, PtolemyAbstract
We celebrate the achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, who died five hundred years ago. His anatomical dissections were inspired by Ptolemy’s geography, considering the human body as a territory to be explored: Thus, in 15 entire figures, you will have set before you the cosmography of this lesser world on the same plan as, before me, was adopted by Ptolemy in his cosmography. Again: Here shall be represented the tree of the vessels generally, as Ptolemy did with the universe in his Cosmography. The famous Vitruvian Man also resembles the arrangement of some medieval geographical maps. T-O mappae mundi including the Christ figure are reminiscent of the man in two superimposed positions inscribed in a circle and square, as depicted in Leonardo’s drawing. This relationship between anatomy and geography can be interpreted according to the ancient concept of the human body as a microcosm, to which Leonardo metaphorically adhered.
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