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Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission file is in MSWord, OpenOffice or RTF format.
- The submission has not previously been published nor it is under consideration for another journal (or an explanation for this is provided in the Comments for the editor).
- The text is formatted according to the journal style sheet.
Essays articles must be submitted in an anonymous form. They must not exceed 50.000 characters in length (spaces and footnotes included) and include an abstract in English (150 words) and 3 to 5 keywords. In a separate sheet, the author(s) must provide (his/her/their) affiliation and a short biographical sketch in English. Submitted contributions for this section are first evaluated by the advisory board, and then eventually sent to at least two qualified external reviewers for a double-blind peer-review. Submission timeline (for this section): in order to publish in the first issue of the year (June), authors have to submit no later than October of the previous year; to publish in the second issue of the year (December), essays have to be submitted by April.
The 'Focus' section is monographic section based on a call for papers. It usually has one or more guest editors. All contributions are double-blindly peer-reviewed. Each paper must not exceed 40.000 characters in length (spaces and footnotes included). Submission have to inlucde: an English title, an abstract in English (150 words), and 3 to 5 keywords. Authors should also provide, in a separate file, their affiliation and a short biographical sketch in English. With regard to submission deadlines, see each call for papers. Mean response time after deadline is 16 weeks.
Reviews and Reports
Book reviews should not exceed 6,000 characters in length (with no footnotes) and must contain an evaluation of the book under consideration. Any cited work other than the reviewed book must be listed in the References. Book reviews are solely subject to the review of the Editorial Staff.
The Editor-in-chief or the Editorial staff may directly invite someone to review a book deemed of interest for the journal’s scope.
Copyright Notice
Deposit Policy
- At the time of publication, the authors of the article may deposit the draft version (not the final version) in institutional archives with restricted access (e.g. Cineca, Anvur), indicating the details of the actual publication (journal title, volume, number, pages, and DOI).
- 18 months after publication, the article will be placed under a CC BY SA 4.0 license and stored on the journal's website. All rights remain with the author.
The journal does not charge for the processing of submissions. Any request to the contrary should be immediately denounced to the Publisher.
If the author wishes to request immediate Open Access publication of his/her contribution, without waiting for the end of the embargo period, a fee of EUR 500.00 will be charged. To make this type of request, please contact our administrative office (amministrazione@edizioniets.com) and the journal manager (journals@edizioniets.com), indicating: the title of the article, the details of the file to which it belongs, the details of the person to whom the invoice should be addressed, the existence of any research funding.
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