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1. Title and format of the text
The title and author’s complete name are to be written in lower case.
The text is to be subdivided with unnumbered section titles in italics. At the end of the main body of the text, please provide 3 or 4 keywords as well as a brief running-head.
2. Biographical Notes
Every author must provide a biographical note (maximum 1000 characters, spaces included). Please provide the following: surname followed by name, specialization, areas of research and major publications, place of work and e-mail address. The editorial office reserves the right to make necessary changes.
3. Indentation of paragraphs
Indent each new paragraph.
4. Quotations and quotation marks
Quotations are to be indicated by double quotation marks; long quotations, however, should be inset without using quotation marks. To indicate omissions within quoted passages, use three dots within square brackets […]. Figurative usage is to be indicated by placing the words in single quotes ‘ ’.
5. Italics
Italics are to be used to designate words in foreign languages and words that the author wishes to emphasize. Bold script is never to be used (with the exception of bold original present in quoted passages).
6. Spelling and accent marks
For submissions in English, use British spellings, eg, labour, travelled, appendices, towards. However, use ‘z’ spellings instead of ‘s’ in verbs created from nouns, eg, ‘standardize’ not ‘standardise’, except for ‘analyse’. In using foreign words, please observe the correct application of accent marks.
7. Abbreviations
Please observe the following conventions: [a.n.] author’s note; [ed.] editor’s note; [t.n.] translator’s note; art., arts. (article, articles); ch., chs. (chapter, chapters); cf. (compare, see); cit. (cited); eg (for example); et al. (and others); fig., figs. (figure, figures); Ibidem (in italics, same place or page, used in bibliographic references); Id. or Ead. (no italics); Ivi (no italics, same place but different page); misc. (miscellanea); no., nos. (number, numbers); unnum. (unnumbered); n., nn. (note, notes); p., pp. (page, pages); par., pars. (paragraph, paragraphs); n.d. (no date, generally used with regard to editions); n.p. (no place, no publisher); cent. (century); ff. (and following); It. trns. (Italian translation etc.); vol., vols. (volume, volumes).
8. Dashes and hyphenation
Dashes used to set off a word or words should be preceded and followed by a space – as done here – and without confusing the dash for the shorter hyphen. Words with the following prefixes will generally be spelled solid: anti, co, counter, extra, inter, intra, macro, micro, multi, non, over, post, pre, pro, pseudo, psycho, re, semi, socio, sub, trans. Compound adjectives will generally be hyphenated if they precede the noun: eg, short-term fix, nineteenth-century composer, decision-making authority.
9. Tables, captions for illustrations, charts, graphs, and photographs
Images must be in PDF, EPS, TIFF, or PNG formats, in high resolution (300 dpi minimum), but not larger than 12x18 cm. Color images will be printed in black and white. Number them consecutively with Arabic numerals and send each one as a separate file, indicating where they are to be inserted. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to publish photographs or reproductions of manuscripts.
10. Web addresses
References to websites, email addresses, or web portals should be neither underlined nor written in italics: unknown@who.int (not unknown@who.int or unknown@who.int).
11. Footnotes
In the text, indicate explanatory and bibliographic notes with consecutive Arabic numerals in superscript, placed before the punctuation. The notes should appear as footnotes at the bottom of each page.
12. Format for bibliographic citations
Bibliographic references must adhere precisely to the following format and ordering of the elements: Author’s first name abbreviate with an initial, then surname, title of the work in italics, place of publication, name of the publisher and year of publication. Separate each element of the citation with a comma and place a period at the end.
Spacing: after the abbreviations insert one space (p. 20, not p.20, and F. Basaglia, not F.Basaglia); in the case of double names, do not insert a space between the initials (C.M. Martini, not C. M. Martini).
Examples of how works should be cited the first time:
A book:
J. Huxley, Evolution: The Modern Synthesis, Allen & Unwin, London 1996, p. 15 (or pp. 309-328).
A collection of essays:
Simone Botti, Il trattamento della follia nel manicomio veneziano di San Servolo (1840-1860): cura fisica e cura morale, in Riccardo Panattoni (ed.), Lo sguardo psichiatrico. Studi e materiali dalle cartelle cliniche tra Otto e Novecento, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2009, pp. 258-268.
An edited book:
E. Fox-Keller E. and E. Lloyd E. (eds.), Keywords in Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1999.
Always indicate the editor according to the original language of publication: (a cura di), (sous la direction de), (ed. or eds.), (herausgegeben von).
An article in a journal or magazine:
A. Hardy, Rickets and the rest: child-care, diet and the infectious children’s diseases, 1850-1915, “Social History of Medicine”, III, 1, 1992, pp. 389-412.
The titles of periodicals (journals, newspapers etc.) are placed within double quotation marks “ ”, followed by the volume number in numerals, the issue number in numerals, and then the year of publication.
Second and subsequent references
Repeat the initial of the author’s first name, surname, a recognizably abbreviated form of the title, the year of publication, and when appropriate an indication of the pages consulted.
Use Ivi to denote a repetition of the immediately preceding item, where only a different page (or volume) number needs to be recorded.
J. Huxley, Evolution 1942, p. 12.
Ivi, p. 108.
Format for archival citations
At the first appearance, write out in full the entire name of the archive followed by parentheses containing the abbreviation to be used in all successive citations: Archivio centrale dello stato (Acs), Mi Gab, 1964-66, b. 130, f. 13299/8
South Carolina Historical society (Schs), Cheves-Middleton Papers, Alicia Hopton to Eweretta Barnewall Middleton, Paris, 25 July 1836, unnum. fol. 2r.
Correction of the proofs
Proofs for making typographic corrections will be sent to the author in an electronic format PDF, along with instructions for making corrections. The corrected proofs must be returned within the period indicated (usually 10 days).
Corrections should be limited to the amendment of mistakes and modifications to the text must be kept to a minimum; if instead the author makes substantial changes at the proof stage, he or she will be charged a fine.
The editorial office reserves the right to impose corrections on the text when necessary.