Spaces Studies
Luigi Bicocchi, Giancarlo Bicocchi, Lisindo Baldassini, Roberto Monsani, 3BM, Roccamare, Villa Bertini, Villa Verusio, Villa Fraschetti, Villa Baldassini, Villa PoggioliAbstract
In the period between 1960 and 1980 the architectural team, constituted by Giancarlo and Luigi Bicocchi, Roberto Monsani and the engineer Lisindo Baldassini, thanks to the support of enlightened clients, designed a series of six villas, villa Bertini, Verusio, Fraschetti, Baldassini, Veronesi and villa Poggioli right after, devised by Luigi Bicocchi on his own after the dissolution of the group. These projects focused on the formal principles of Modern Movement and International Style to create houses that enhanced the sense of a visually fluid space linking the inside with the outside as opposed to nineteenth-century masonry box.