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Checkliste für Beitragseinreichungen
Alle Einreichungen müssen die folgenden Kriterien erfüllen.
- Diese Einreichung erfüllt die Anforderungen, die in den Author Guidelines gelistet sind.
- Diese Einreichung wurde weder zuvor veröffentlicht, noch liegt sie einer anderen Zeitschrift zur Prüfung vor.
- Alle Literaturangaben wurden auf ihre Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit überprüft.
- Alle Diagramme und Abbildungen sind nummeriert und beschriftet.
- Die Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung aller Fotos, Datensätze und sonstiger Materialien, die mit diesem Beitrag eingereicht wurden, wurde eingeholt.
The journal relies on a double-blind peer review process. When a new proposal is submitted, the Editorial Committee makes a first reading of the paper and decides whether to reject it (desk rejection) or to send it to two anonymous reviewers selected based on their area of expertise. A desk rejection occurs when the Editorial Board deems the submission ineligible because it does not meet the journal's scientific criteria. The two reviewers must state their judgment on the review form, including references to the text and a reasoned justification. The reviewers' recommendation to the Editorial Board can be formulated in one of the following three ways: accept, accept with reservations, or reject. In the event of disagreement between reviewers, the Editorial Committee may reserve the right to seek a third opinion using the same anonymous review process. The Editorial Committee is responsible for protecting the identity of all persons involved in the review process by verifying the anonymity of proposed contributions.
If the proposal is accepted, the author accepts to return the manuscript within a maximum of two weeks, amended to take account of the reviewers' suggestions.
All editorial production steps will be recorded by the journal platform.
Further guidance on the integrity of the review process can be found in the journal's Ethics Statement.
Long Reviews
Book reviews published on L’Italia Dialettale undergo an open or single-blind review process. Submissions to this section should not be mere editorial news in the journal scientific fields; we require full-fledged analysis of one (or, better, more) books and articles of interest in the fields of dialectology, Romanistics and Romance philology.
Abstracts should be limited to the full editorial information of the reviewed items.
I agree to a non-interest-bearing assignment of copyright on this contribution for two years after publication, after which time I will revert to full rights, while the publisher and the journal agree to place the published contribution in open access, under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY-SA license, and to deposit copy in an open access archive (e.g. the journal’s archive).
Schutz personenbezogener Daten
Namen und E-Mail-Adressen, die auf den Webseiten der Zeitschrift eingegeben werden, werden ausschließlich zu den angegebenen Zwecken verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.