Vol. 83 (2022)

About the formation of the Divina Commedia language

Temistocle Franceschi
University of Firenze

Published 2024-09-04


  • Dante,
  • Divina Commedia,
  • language,
  • formation

How to Cite

About the formation of the Divina Commedia language. (2024). L’Italia Dialettale, 83. https://doi.org/10.4454/wfdh6f39


Dante’s language is defined here as the “romanic” neo-Latin of peninsular Italy permeated by the northitalian “italo-romance” neo-Latin. It originates following the colonization in the 12th century of the Badia Fiorentina by Milan's Cistercian monks, which introduced characters of the “romance” idiom (i.e., western neo-Latin) into clerical Latin and then into the vernacular of Florence, subsequently enriched (e.g. with the romance diphthong , ) by the economic influence of the wealthy Po Valley.


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