Vol. 83 (2022)

Which Latin gave rise to the Romance Languages?

Franco Fanciullo
University of Pisa

Published 2024-09-04


  • Latin,
  • Vulgärlatein,
  • phonetics,
  • lexicon,
  • diachronic evolution

How to Cite

Which Latin gave rise to the Romance Languages? . (2024). L’Italia Dialettale, 83. https://doi.org/10.4454/rk9rj784


Some reflections on the relations among Latin, Vulgärlatein and Romance Languages, starting with: a) some phenomenons of consonantal attuning (inside the word or at the border between word and word), which are suggested by uncontrolled Latin writings (e.g., Pompeian inscriptions) and seem to anticipate Romance conditions; b) some cases of “submerged” Latin lexicon, which are suggested by some Romance continuers.


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