Vol. 84 (2023)

The split indefiniteness: a new distributional pattern of there-sentences in the Italo-Romance extreme southern dialects

Elvira Assenza
University of Messina
Alessandro De Angelis
University of Milano Statale

Published 2024-09-04


  • there-sentences,
  • indefiniteness,
  • numerals,
  • quantifiers,
  • extreme southern dialects

How to Cite

The split indefiniteness: a new distributional pattern of there-sentences in the Italo-Romance extreme southern dialects. (2024). L’Italia Dialettale, 84. https://doi.org/10.4454/gw8k3v70


The paper analyzes a new distributional pattern of there-sentences in the extreme southern varieties of Italy. Indefinite pivots are complementary distributed according their [±countability]: if they are countable, they select ‘to be’; otherwise, they single out an inflected form of ‘to have’ or ‘to be’. 


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