
  • Analisi e Diritto

    «Analisi e Diritto» es un periódico semestrale sobre el derecho, particularmente sobre la filosofía del derecho y la filosoía analítica. Este periódico adopta un sistema de revisión “par ciego doble” por pares.

  • Dioniso

    Founded in 1931 by the Italian Institute for Ancient Drama (Inda), Dioniso is an annual peer reviewed journal on ancient theatre, its modern and contemporary reception, and issues of staging.

  • Blityri. Studies on history of ideas on signs and languages

    Blityri is a scholarly journal focusing the history of ideas on signs and languages, specifically on history of semiotics and linguistic theory.

    Founded in 2012, ‘Blityri’ is the first Italian journal devoted specifically to the history of semiotic and linguistic theories. It joins already well-known foreign journals in the field, aiming at an ever-increasing international articulation and integration of research. To this end, ‘Blityri’ includes in its scientific board and reading committee leading Italian experts in the history of ideas on language and signs, as well as qualified scholars from leading European universities and research centres.

    Virtually any topic of historical-theoretical interest, from any era, classical, modern or contemporary, can be the subject of the journal, which in each issue flanks a monographic theme, each time different, with free contributions, as well as reviews, discussions, news on conferences and scientific initiatives. The editors are open to proposals from individual scholars or groups of scholars on topics to be developed in essays, articles or even entire issues. The choice of contributions is bound to the now consolidated criterion of peer-review, and to parameters of philological rigour, originality, wealth of information and documentation.

    The journal is intended to be a place where both methodological instances and concrete ongoing research can be brought together. On the one hand, it would give greater autonomy and recognition to historical work in the semiotic and philosophical-linguistic fields; on the other hand, it would encourage and strengthen collaboration with those in neighbouring fields (from the history of philosophy to the history of logic, from classical philology to the history of science) who see linguistic-semiotic thought as a fruitful terrain for philosophical enquiry.

    A further distinguishing feature of the journal's work is its focus on the intertwining of ideas and theories (explicit or implicit) on the one hand, and social (education, politics, etc.), professional and scientific (from medicine to the various fields of communication, including religion) practices that have used and continue to use symbolic resources on the other.

  • Incidenza dell’antico

    Incidenza dell'Antico. Dialoghi di storia greca is a yearly academic journal on Greek history, its contemporary “comebacks”, and history of Greek historiography. The journal publishes academic essays, critical notes, and review articles. English, Italian, French, German and Spanish are the accepted languages.

    ANVUR Classification: Classe A for Area 10 "Settori Concorsuali"

  • MEFISTO. Revista de Medicina, Filosofía e Historia

    Medicine is the history of individuals and humankind; it is history of concepts, metaphors, “views”. Nowadays, we rethink of life, bodiy and limits against a background of life sciences and biotechnologies. The contribution of humanities – history, epistemology, ethics, sociology – is necessary for a better understanding of what life sciences are becoming, of our struggle against diseases as well as for our “normal” well-being, and of our idea of what “cure” means – while we are wandering among hopes and fears.

  • L’Italia dialettale

    Open to different theoretical approaches, L’Italia dialettale publishes works on all aspects of the language (phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, without neglecting lexicography and etymological research), and is considered an ideal "bridge" between the more dialectological studies and those of Italian linguistics, without excluding, in recent times, theoretical reflections of a sociolinguistic nature.

  • Ostraka. Journal in antiquity

    «Ostraka» is a peer rewieved yearly academic journal in archaeology, classical studies and related subjects. Articles are in the major European languages.

    Founded in 1991, Ostraka has established itself over the years as a national and international reference in the field of antiquities, publishing articles in the main European languages and at the highest scientific level.
    international standards.

    In 2012, due to the bankruptcy of the publisher and owner Loffredo, the journal was abruptly suspended, publishing its last issue just in time. In 2016, the joint efforts of the editors and the new publisher, Edizioni ETS, resulted in the publication of the 2013-2014 double issue and the planning of a joint timetable to bring the journal up to date by the end of 2018.

  • Largo Duomo

    Largo Duomo, the bi-annual magazine of the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Livorno, founded in 2018, is a publishing project marked by significant phases of evolution: The first editorial phase, with Pacini (Pisa) until 2021, represents a legacy that the new Council of the Order of Architects PPC of the Province of Livorno, which took office in June 2021, has taken on with the ambition of improving the quality and selection of the contributions included, in order to disseminate on the Tuscan and national territory a more inclusive, open magazine, attentive to contemporary architectural trends and research. The second phase of publication (Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2022) will include a new graphic design and an update of the structure of the issues.

    Largo Duomo, in its print and digital versions, publishes articles, essays and specific contributions on architecture, with the aim of exploring themes and spaces that are still of great value, capable of translating visions and aspects of contemporaneity in the form of signs, images and words. The specific contributions, divided into columns, each of which is edited by a member of the editorial staff, represent the magazine's distinguishing features, which reflect differentiated themes. The "Meridiani" and "Paralleli" sections bring together essays and articles that explore architectures, built and unbuilt, and lines of research.  The essays collected in the Meridiani section -published in dual languages (Italian, English) - are selected according to a double-blind peer review process.

    "Interferenze" explores the intersection of art and architecture, "Ricerche" rediscovers architecture, "Quai" photographs architecture, "Dentro" explores the interior of architecture studios, "Concorsi" imagines architecture, and "Letture" presents architecture in book form.

    Largo Duomo's lines of research include built architecture, with a particular focus on Tuscany and Livorno, experiences in architectural design theory (mainly Italian), the relationship between architecture and landscape, architecture and photography, and architecture and publishing.

    Largo Duomo invites authors to respond to the open calls, published every six months, by sending their contributions in the form of abstracts (max. 1500 characters including spaces) with title, subtitle if applicable, and keywords (max. 5), accompanied by a short biographical note of the author (max. 150 words including spaces).




  • Phi/Psy

    The journal opens up a space for discussion about a new field of studies: “Phi/Psy”, philosophy/psychoanalysis. Its main topics are: subject and unconscious; the experiences of dream, neurosis, psychosis, and perversion; language and its tropes; the figures of desire and enjoyment.

  • Naturalmente scienza

    NATURALMENTE Scienza's project is to create a magazine that takes up Naturalmente's cultural and civic commitment to offer material for reflection and debate, with the aim of highlighting the links between experimental sciences and other fields of knowledge. With the same attention that characterises Naturalmente, a non-superficial look will be taken at schools, in particular at the reflection on the ways and means of teaching science.

  • Synergies: A Journal of English Literatures and Cultures

    «Synergies: A Journal of English Literatures and Cultures», formerly called «Anglistica Pisana», is a double-blind peer-reviewed annual journal. It welcomes original contributions by national and international scholars dealing with British and Anglophone literatures and cultures, but is also interested in research papers characterised by a comparative and interdisciplinary approach as well as in studies on the theory of literature and of literary criticism. All texts published in this journal are written in English.

  • Ricerche Linguistiche

    Ricerche linguistiche provides a venue for contributions in the fields of diachronic and historical linguistics concerning all levels of linguistic analysis, with a special focus on ancient Indo-European and Semitic languages, as well as Romance languages and varieties. Contributions on other language families are also welcomed, provided that they coincide with the main focus of the journal with respect to methods, language history, and historical documentation. The journal also aims to promote the study of the history of all branches of linguistic thought, including writing systems, literacy, textual exegesis, grammaticography, and philological hermeneutics from antiquity to modern times.

  • Studi lockiani. Ricerche sull’età moderna

    Studi lockiani is an annual scholarly journal devoted to research on the life, work, and heritage of John Locke (1632-1704). The journal is available both online and in print.

    The Journal is composed of three sections: Essays, Notes and Debates, and Reviews. Each volume contains 7 to 10 articles. Issues are generally themed. A yearly call for papers announces the theme and the start for submissions. 

    Authors can submit their proposals via the journal website. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process and will be published only after referees’ final approval.