Anatomia del cambiamento: Tolemeo VIII Evergete II, Aristarco di Samotracia e la cacciata degli intellettuali da Alessandria
Pubblicato 2024-01-31
Parole chiave
- Museum and Library of Alexandria,
- Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II,
- Aristarchus of Samothrace,
- exile of intellectuals,
- Athenaeus
The exile of intellectuals from Alexandria after the accession to the throne of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II in 145 BC is an episode that has been treated only tangentially in numerous reference works on the Hellenistic age. This article highlights the political, social, and cultural dynamics surrounding this event. It deserves careful reconsideration not only because it displays several relevant historiographical problems, but also because it had an impact on the subsequent development of ancient knowledge, with particular relevance for the history of classical scholarship in antiquity.