Giovani donne dalla pelle nera, fiori bruniti dal Nilo e dal sole, straniere della nostra stirpe
Le Supplici di Eschilo verso nuove frontiere tra identità e alterità, tra giusto e ingiusto
Parole chiave:
Aeschylus’ Supplices, chorality, nythos-opsis, ‘pure’ vs. ‘impure’, xeniaAbstract
Focused on Aeschylus’ Supplices, the analysis proposed in the essay aims to enlighten the choral dimension of the tragedy and the frequency of textual references about ‘pure’ and ‘impure’ categories. ‘Chorality’ comes to define Supplices as a collective tragedy, a play about gender, people, communities. The lexicon set on ‘pure’ and ‘impure’ enhances the debate between religious and politic spheres. The barbarian people and the Greeks tarnished by crimes against humanity are confined within the boundaries of ‘impurity’.
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