Lingua, linguaggio e traduzione tra scrittura e codice del teatro
Un caso aristofaneo: parodo e parabasi delle Rane
Parole chiave:
Aristophanes’ Frogs, chorus, language, political context, semiological perspectiveAbstract
The essay explores the language of the chorus in Aristophanes’ Frogs in a semiological perspective: semiology of meaning from without the text – its historical and political contextualization or, in other words, the historical and political circumstances in which Aristophanes’ dialogue with his public takes place – and semiology of meaning from within the text – its inner interplay between forms and themes of dramaturgic conventions, the order of rhetorical construction, the authorial strategies and authorial mastery of poetic language (being the chorus a typical agency of the author’s voice). In this examination, a specific importance is also attached to the role of the translator/hermeneut (his/her linguistic choices, his/her own reception and representation of the text) as a crucial medium and a key actor in the process of meaning-making
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