Equipo editorial
In the editorial production process, the journal Dioniso relies on three distinct bodies: the Editor-in-chief and the Deputy Editor, the Editorial Board, and the Scientific Committee. The Editor's responsibility extends to the entire editorial process, the transparency of the publication process, and the composition of the issue table of content. As stated in the Ethics Statement (link), the Editor-in-Chief ensures that all parties involved in the review and production process comply with their respective obligations. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the initial evaluation of submissions based on the completeness of the information provided, the alignment with the journal's scientific objectives, and the scientific integrity with which the topics are presented. The Editor can initiate the review process, after considering either bypassing it (in extremely rare cases, due to the exceptional prestige of the author) or rejecting the proposal ex officio (by desk rejection). To this end, the Editor will rely on the Editorial Board to monitor the transparency of the review process, the linguistic suitability of the submissions, and their adherence to the journal's editorial standards. It is not permitted for members of the editorial board to participate in the peer review process as reviewers, except in those rare cases where such members are considered to be the foremost experts on a particular topic. In such cases, which the Editor and the Editorial Board seek to limit, the other members of the Editorial Board will oversee the communication with the author and ensure the protection of their identity and that of the reviewer. If the proposal is published, any coincidences will be disclosed on the first page of the paginated article. The only function of the Scientific Committee is to ensure the scientific prestige of the journal. Its members are never involved in the editorial process of the issues. In cases where they are asked to act as anonymous reviewers, the Editorial Board exercises its function as in other cases.
Editor in chief
Guido Paduano (Università di Pisa)
Deputy editor
Alessandro Grilli (Università di Pisa)
Scientific comittee
Massimo Cacciari, Luciano Canfora, Maria Grazia Ciani, Giulio Ferroni, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Helene Foley, Nadia Fusini, Delia Gambelli, Mario Martone, Marianne McDonald, Bernd Seidensticker, Richard Tarrant, Giuseppe Voza.
Editorial board
Mariella De Simone
Elena Maria Fabbro
Massimo Fusillo
Walter Lapini
Caterina Mordeglia
Francesco Morosi
Maria Pia Pattoni
Gianna Petrone
Gherardo Ugolini
Editorial assistants | Elena Servito
Graphics | Carmelo Iocolano