Terranicin and the “overcoming” of Neoascolian linguistics
Benvenuto Aron Terracini, Gradazio Isaia Ascoli, Benedetto Croce, history of linguitic ideas, neolinguisticsAbstract
This paper examines some of the 17 interventions dedicated by Benvenuto Terracini to the Ascoli’s exegesis (cf. Santamaria, 2015a: 1-17), with particular reference to the dialectical “overcoming” suggested in Terracini (1929) with respect to the methods of the neogrammatic dialectology. Consequently, the article deals with the Terracini’s relations with the most advanced currents of coeval European linguistics and with the neoidealism, still today subject to contrasting evaluations, both as regards the judgment on “Croce and linguistics” and as regards the influence of the philosopher’s theories on the linguist’s scientific practice.
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