The Neo-Kantian Dimension of Kelsen’s Legal Theory and its Limits


  • Stanley L. Paulson Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Parole chiave:

Hans Kelsen, Neo-Kantianism, purity thesis, legal cognition, legal science


It is well known that Hans Kelsen, in the name of a purity thesis, purports to rule out all fact-based legal theories as well as those based on morality. Having done so, he requires a neo-Kantian argument as a means of grounding his legal theory. The argument does not, however, prove to be sound. That leaves us with the question: what status ought to be ascribed to Kelsen’s neo-Kantianism? I argue that, despite the problems, it must be preserved as a part of the Pure Theory of Law. The alternative is distortion.





Proceedings of the First Civil Law – Common Law Forum in Legal Theory