Eugenio Bulygin. In memoriam
Eugenio Bulygin, Legal positivism, Ethical non-cognitivism, Deontic logicAbstract
This monographic section contains six writings in memory of Eugenio Bulygin. The first contribution, by Ernesto Garzón Valdés, originally published in 1998 and reprinted on this occasion, is dedicated to some features of the personality of Eugenio Bulygin. The other contributions deal with different aspects of his scientific and human legacy and range from the memory of some anecdotes and profiles of Eugenio’s character to the identification of his main theses in the fields of legal theory, metaethics and deontic logic.
- Nota biografica (Italian)
- Appunti sul carattere e la personalità di Eugenio Bulygin (Italian)
- Recuerdo de Eugenio (Spanish)
- Trent’anni dopo (Italian)
- Eugenio maestro di giuspositivismo (e di molte altre cose) (Italian)
- Quel che ho appreso da Eugenio Bulygin (Italian)
- Eugenio Bulygin: il lato oscuro (Italian)
- Riferimenti bibliografici (Italian)
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